Monday, September 17, 2012

Enjoin Good and Forbid Evil

"And there has to be a group of people from among you who call towards the Good and and bid the Fair and forbid the Unfair . And it is these who are Successful "

[Qur'an , Surah Al-Imran, Verse 104]

Explanation : It is has been said here that Muslims are not to rest at the correction of what they think and do individually, but they should along with that, be affectionately concerned with the good of other brothers and sisters in faith.

By doing so, the whole community shall have the benefit of keeping its stance correct at all times, and at the same time this will guarantee closer mutual cooperation and unity.

Collective well-being of Muslims depends on two things :
1. Self-correction through Taqwa and a firm hold on the cord of Allah through Qur'an and Sunnah
2. The correction of others through Da'wah and positive propogation.

This subject appears in Surat ul-Asr "Except those who believe and do good deeds and invite each other to truth and invite each other to patience." (103: 2-3)

Hence, one must correct his or her deeds and morals in the Light of what Almighty Allah has sent as the Law and with it , one must be concerened that other Muslim brothers and sisters do the same.

In order that Muslims have a firm bond of unity, they must relate to Allah , and in order that this bond stays firm throgh the ages, it is necessary that Muslims consider their obligation to enjoin what is good and in accordance with the dictates of the Qur'an and Sunnah on their brothers and sisters in faith, and stop them from what is not good.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A Sign Of Perfection Of Worship

It is stated by Hazrat Thauban (ra) that when the Messenger of Allah (saws) finished offering his prayers, he sought forgiveness of Allah three times


Explanation : This hadith tells us that after the Prophet (saws) would say "Astagfirullah" three times.  In fact, it is a sign of perfection of worship that a man having offered prayers considers his eforts imperfect and regards himself responsible for that.So, he seeks the forgiveness of Allah.

Taubah (repentance) and Istighfaar (seeking forgiveness from Allah) are among the most meritorious acts of virtue for the believers. Taubah means feeling remorse for our actions or omissions.Istighfar means expressing that remorse in words and begging Allah for forgiveness. The act for which we perform taubah and istighfar is not necessarly a sin or an act of disobedienceto Allah, it also includes our shortcomings.

As we realise Allah's immense favours to us, all our thankfulness and devotion clearly appears to be inadequate.As we realise the Grandeur of Allah, Most High, our acts of worship and obedience are clearly seen to be insufficient.

The higher a person is on the scale of piety and taqwa, the greater is this sense of inadequacy. Consequently the greater is his practice of Istighfar.