The Glorious Qur'an states : "Oh Mankind, we have created you from a single pair of male and female,so that you should recognise each other and not despise each other."
[Al Hujrat :13]
Explanation : Islam wishes that all human beings, all civilisations and all human races should recognise each other and be introduced to each other. Islam does not believe in race, colour, caste, creed as Prophet Muhammad (saws) said in his Last Sermon during the Final Pilgrimage that there is no superiority of on Arab over a non-Arab and there is no nobility of a white-skinned person over a black person.
Islam was destined to become a world religion and to create a civilisation which stretched from one end of the globe to another. During the early Muslim caliphate, first the Arabs, then the Persians , then the Turks set about to create the classical Islamic civilisation. Later, in the 13th century, both Africa and India became great centers of Islamic civilisation and soon thereafter, Muslim kingdoms were established in the Malay-Indonesian world while Chinese Muslims flourished throughout China.
Islam has embraced in its capacious sweep different races & cultures & it should open the eyes of those who feel that following the religion punctiliously will render them at a disadvantage ,that only by following the true spirit of Islam will they prosper and gain success both in this world and the next.
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