Thursday, January 6, 2011

Muslims Must Help the Oppressed

Hadhrat Anas bin Amlik (ra) reported that the Messenger of Allah (saws) said ; "Help your brother, whether he is an oppressor or he is oppressed."

[Sahih al-Bukhari]

Explanation : Muslims are helpers of each other. However, the scope of such narrations is delimited by other related narrations. There is no room for Muslims or non-Muslims to misinterpret this hadith af if taking the side of another Muslim , whether he is right or wrong. There are broader Islamic principles, contained explicitly in the Qur'an and other Prophetic narrations, which negate such a possibility.

Muslims must assist each other subject to a well-defined set of Islamic parameters. Helping the oppressed to overcome oppression is an unambiguous duty upon Muslims. How about the oppressor ? he needs help too, but a different kind. Helping the oppressor Muslim is not to condone him or become an accomplice, it is rather to dissuade or even prevent him from committing oppression.

As such , virtually every such principle applies equally to non-Muslims. Muslims must help oppressed non-Muslims as well and stand collectively against oppression and tyranny.

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