Monday, January 3, 2011

Simplicity in Every Aspect Of Life...

Prophet (saws) identified simplicity as a sign of Imaan(faith) and said "Simplicity (in life) is part of Faith."

[Abu Dawood]

Explanation: Prophet (saws) preferred simplicity in every aspect of life , and left simple living as a model to be followed by his Ummah. He (saws) directed his Ummah to look for eternal comforts of the Herafter and not the temporary comforts of this life. Allah (Swt) says in Aayah 17 of Surah Al-Aala :
"...the Hereafter is much better and much more durable."

Prophet (saws) always wore simple dress, though at times he used fine dress too, but that was neither his preference nor it suited his taste and nature.. He (saws) used to say that the son of Adam(as) needs not to have claim over any thing except a place to live, cloth to cover his body, and simple food to fill his stomach. (Tirmidhi) Ummul Momineen Aa'isha (ra) said that he (saws) did not have a spare dress that could be kept folded.

Though at the zenith of his power, which was in fact more power, loyalty and obedience than any king or emperor could ever dream of , he (saws) ruled the hearts and having a vast area under the banner of Islam , he (saws) lead an exemplary humble and simple life. A life, in which Allah (swt)'s word is an ideal model for us to follow.

One should find time to read and familiarize oneself with the Prophet(saw)'s biography.

Once Prophet Muhammad (saws) said that Allah (Swt) gave him the choice between the two life styles :
1. Combination of a king and Prophet
2. The combination of a Prophet and slave.
Prophet (saws) chose the life of a prophet and a slave. Sulaiman and Dawood (as) were both prophets as well as kings. Prophet (saws) did not want to give an impression to his Ummah that comfort and worldly power is necessary to practice Deen.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal(r) quotes from Ummul Momineen Aaisha (ra) that an Ansari lady visited her. When she saw that a rough blanket served as a bed for Prophet (saws), she sent a thick woolen cushioned bed which was not only soft but very beautiful. Prophet (saws) having noticed asked about it. Ummul Momineen (ra) told him the whole story. Prophet (saws) asked her to return it, but she did not want to return it as she liked it very much. Prophet (saws) told her that if he wanted Allah (Swt) could have left mounts of gold and silver at his disposal . Listening to this, Ummul Momineen (ra) returned the bedding . (Ktiab-ul-Zuhd)

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